
Iceberg Slim

Info Level Experience Last seen
Iceberg Slim

Voc: Elder Druid
Premium status: No
262 292,955,100 2025-03-13 07:38:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
108 23 Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: 19
?? 29 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2025-03-11 00:34:27 258 Cuatro Veinte Nino Prende, by Makeye, by El Parce, by Black Abyss, by Jomy, by Astarotth and by a mythra worshipper
2025-03-11 00:11:11 257 Makeye, by Cuatro Veinte Nino Prende, by a creeper, by a mythra guardian, by a mythra worshipper, by a grim reaper and by Astarotth
2025-03-06 02:28:41 257 Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Leito El Weledor, by Agent Smith, by Jeelco, by Dollar King, by Fast-maniacko, by Buendia, by Lukipax, by Iceberg Slim and by Wreckognize
2025-03-06 02:22:48 258 Buendia, by Fast-maniacko, by Leito El Weledor, by Dollar King, by Agent Smith, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Lukipax and by Always Cross
2025-03-06 02:18:09 258 Buendia, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Always Cross, by Leito El Weledor, by Dollar King, by Jeelco, by Fast-maniacko, by El Diablo, by Agent Smith, by Lukipax and by Wreckognize
2025-03-06 02:10:38 259 Lukipax, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Leito El Weledor, by Dollar King, by Always Cross, by Fast-maniacko, by Jeelco, by Buendia and by Agent Smith
2025-03-06 01:56:48 259 Fast-maniacko, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Dollar King, by Leito El Weledor, by Lukipax, by Buendia, by Always Cross, by Agent Smith and by Giilberth
2025-03-06 01:41:19 259 Always Cross, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Leito El Weledor, by Dollar King, by Lukipax, by Fast-maniacko, by Agent Smith and by Buendia
2025-03-06 00:20:00 257 Uribeh, by Leito El Weledor, by Dcmador, by Grillo Boom, by Odrick, by Radziiaa, by Pamelita Chu, by Curador De Papantla, by Gordolobo, by Jomy, by Black Abyss, by Iceberg Slim and by Theprice
2025-03-05 02:56:59 257 Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Segi, by Fntxy, by Myke, by Luisito Ed, by Your Stepfather and by Mechas
2025-03-05 02:15:46 258 the tree of life, by an earth worshipper, by a crocolisk, by Iceberg Slim and by Myke
2025-03-05 02:14:05 258 the tree of life and by Myke
2025-03-05 00:38:14 258 Agent Smith, by Nothingstter, by Ritz, by Buendia, by Jeelco and by El Menos Visto
2025-03-05 00:34:10 259 Ruffians, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Ritz, by Never Surrende'r, by Agent Smith, by Buendia, by Jeelco, by Nothingstter, by El Menos Visto and by El Diablo
2025-03-05 00:07:13 257 Ruffians, by Jeelco, by Never Surrende'r, by Agent Smith, by Buendia, by Ritz, by El Menos Visto, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo and by Black Abyss
2025-03-05 00:03:38 258 Leito El Weledor, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Ritz, by Jeelco, by Agent Smith, by Never Surrende'r, by Ruffians, by Buendia, by Lukipax, by El Menos Visto and by Black Abyss
2025-03-04 23:59:04 259 Jeelco, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Leito El Weledor, by Ruffians, by Never Surrende'r, by Ritz, by El Menos Visto, by Agent Smith, by Buendia and by Black Abyss
2025-03-04 23:52:23 259 Never Surrende'r, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Ruffians, by Leito El Weledor, by Ritz, by Buendia, by Lukipax, by El Menos Visto, by Jeelco, by Agent Smith, by Black Abyss and by Zapatazo Al Pecho
2025-03-04 23:14:16 258 Nothingstter, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Ritz, by Smithson El Weledorr, by Never Surrende'r, by Agent Smith, by El Menos Visto, by Buendia and by Dollar King
2025-03-04 23:10:15 259 Jeelco, by Spinal El Weledor Supremo, by Ritz, by Dollar King, by Smithson El Weledorr, by Nothingstter, by Buendia, by Agent Smith, by Ruffians and by El Menos Visto
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2025-02-08 02:18:42 127 Matinho Pernambucano
2025-02-08 01:38:13 128 Matinho Pernambucano
2025-01-11 17:46:18 133 Jaszz Audio
2025-01-11 17:45:59 134 Jaszz Audio
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2025-03-14 09:00:00 262 +1 292,955,100 +3,367,100
2025-03-13 09:00:00 261 289,588,000
2025-03-12 09:00:00 261 +2 289,588,000 +6,656,600
2025-03-11 09:00:00 259 +2 282,931,400 +6,553,800
2025-03-10 09:00:00 257 276,377,600
2025-03-09 09:00:00 257 276,377,600
2025-03-08 09:00:00 257 276,377,600
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2025-03-14 0 seconds
2025-03-13 1 hour, 16 minutes
2025-03-12 1 hour, 36 minutes
2025-03-11 1 hour, 41 minutes
2025-03-10 0 seconds
2025-03-09 0 seconds
2025-03-08 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2025-03-13 06:22:00 2025-03-13 07:39:00 1h 17m 261
2025-03-12 05:58:00 2025-03-12 07:35:00 1h 37m 261
2025-03-11 06:42:00 2025-03-11 06:45:00 3m 261
2025-03-11 05:03:00 2025-03-11 06:39:00 1h 36m 257
2025-03-06 21:42:00 2025-03-06 21:43:00 1m 257
2025-03-06 06:21:00 2025-03-06 10:49:00 4h 28m 257
2025-03-06 05:39:00 2025-03-06 06:20:00 41m 257
2025-03-05 04:27:00 2025-03-05 09:23:00 4h 56m 261
2025-03-04 05:15:00 2025-03-04 07:37:00 2h 22m 262
2025-03-03 06:33:00 2025-03-03 07:32:00 59m 260
2025-03-02 01:03:00 2025-03-02 01:06:00 3m 260
2025-02-21 03:47:00 2025-02-21 06:21:00 2h 34m 257
2025-02-20 08:45:00 2025-02-20 09:09:00 24m 257
2025-02-19 22:38:00 2025-02-20 03:39:00 5h 1m 257
2025-02-18 08:03:00 2025-02-18 08:04:00 1m 257
2025-02-15 23:41:00 2025-02-16 00:45:00 1h 4m 255
2025-02-12 04:42:00 2025-02-12 07:41:00 2h 59m 257
2025-02-12 04:37:00 2025-02-12 07:41:00 3h 4m 257
2025-02-08 21:49:00 2025-02-08 23:11:00 1h 22m 257
2025-02-08 07:29:00 2025-02-08 11:07:00 3h 38m 260
Level change history
261 2023-12-22 262 2023-12-28 263 2024-01-01 265 2024-01-08 269 2024-01-09
270 2024-01-12 271 2024-01-13 272 2024-01-14 271 2024-01-16 270 2024-01-17
271 2024-01-18 272 2024-01-19 278 2024-01-21 279 2024-01-22 280 2024-01-29
284 2024-02-01 287 2024-02-12 285 2024-02-13 284 2024-02-16 286 2024-02-17
287 2024-02-20 285 2024-02-21 283 2024-02-24 285 2024-03-29 272 2024-06-01
271 2024-06-05 268 2024-06-07 269 2024-06-10 270 2024-06-11 271 2024-06-12
272 2024-06-13 274 2024-06-19 277 2024-06-21 278 2024-06-23 277 2024-06-25
280 2024-06-26 278 2024-06-28 276 2024-07-01 277 2024-07-03 276 2024-07-04
271 2024-07-05 268 2024-07-06 269 2024-07-13 274 2024-07-17 275 2024-07-22
274 2024-07-23 275 2024-07-24 272 2024-07-30 274 2024-07-31 276 2024-08-21
273 2024-08-23 275 2024-09-03 277 2024-09-24 279 2024-09-26 279 2024-09-28
274 2024-10-10 272 2024-10-11 268 2024-10-13 267 2024-10-15 269 2024-10-16
266 2024-10-19 265 2024-10-20 266 2024-10-21 267 2024-10-22 269 2024-10-23
264 2024-10-25 265 2024-10-29 269 2024-10-31 267 2024-11-01 268 2024-11-03
266 2024-11-04 261 2024-11-06 260 2024-11-12 264 2024-12-13 266 2024-12-20
264 2024-12-28 263 2024-12-29 264 2024-12-31 261 2025-01-03 262 2025-01-07
264 2025-01-10 263 2025-01-11 264 2025-01-15 263 2025-01-16 261 2025-01-17
260 2025-01-18 262 2025-01-20 262 2025-01-24 260 2025-01-31 259 2025-02-06
263 2025-02-07 260 2025-02-08 257 2025-02-09 254 2025-02-12 255 2025-02-13
257 2025-02-16 260 2025-02-21 262 2025-03-04 257 2025-03-05 259 2025-03-11
261 2025-03-12 262 2025-03-14